Tuesday, June 7, 2011

College presidents say public high schools doing worse preparing students for college

According to a 2011 survey of college presidents, today's students are not as well prepared as their collegiate counterparts of 10 years ago. A 58%-majority of college presidents say public high school students arrive at college less well prepared than students of a decade ago. Just 6% say public high schools are doing a better job at preparing students for college than a decade ago, while 36% say they are doing about the same job. Once the students are settled on campus, the outlook remains equally pessimistic. More than half of college presidents (52%) say today's students are studying less than students did a decade ago. Only 7% say students are studying more, and 40% say students are doing about the same amount of studying as college students did 10 years ago.
Doesn't sound very promising.


  1. I am not sure if it is really that high schools are doing a worse job than 10 years ago. I think the problem is that more students are coming to college, students who would not have attended 20 or even 10 years ago.

    We get a lot of students, perhaps the majority, through the Catholic high school system, and they are just as poorly prepared. A C student is not ready for college no matter what kind of high school he or she attended.

  2. I agree that at least part of the problem is more students attending college, which has also probably contributed to lowered standards.
